Tools and Setup


In order to work with React comfortably and without interruptions, a few conditions should be met. Installing these tools is not entirely necessary but it does make our development workflow much easier. My suggestion would be to install all the tools and I will assume in the following chapters that you have done so.

Node.js and npm

Most of you will know Node.js as server-side JavaScript, however this is only partly true. First of all, Node.js is a JavaScript Runtime Environment that is very well suited to write network applications, such as a server. Node.js also comes with a package management tool, commonly known as npm. It enables us to easily install new JavaScript libraries on our own machines and also lets us write and run our own command line scripts.

Instead of installing Node directly, I suggest to use nvm ("Node Version Manager") for Mac or Linux, and nvm-windows for Windows. One of nvm's advantages is that it does not require root privileges to install packages globally. Moreover, we can update your installed node version with a simple command line expression (nvm install [version]). If we want to see the list of all available versions, we can run nvm ls-remote (Max/Linux) or nvm list available (Windows). For the rest of this book, I would suggest you use the LTS (Long Term Support) version as its stable and will receive updates over a longer time frame.


While Node and npm already offer a very solid package manager, yarn takes it a little bit further and offers simpler commands, and better caching — and thus better performance. Similar to React, yarn was created at Facebook to make working with React a little bit nicer. Everything that I am going to describe in the rest of the book will also work seamlessly with npm but I would still suggest installing yarn instead. Especially in the React ecosystem, it is gaining popularity due to its ease of use and its better performance compared to npm. Once Node and npm have been installed, yarn can be added as a global package via npm:

npm install --global yarn

Or in short:

npm i -g yarn

Just like that we have installed our first package. Easy! The so-called command line flags --global and -g make sure that the yarn executable is installed globally and can be called from the command line anywhere on our machine by typing yarn .


Babel is usually only used as a dependency in React based projects, namely as an npm package. It does not need to be installed explicitly at this stage. Babel allows us to interpret and then transpile JavaScript that is not standardized, or not yet conforming to standards that are supported by all modern browsers, into code that can be executed without issues.

Babel consists of a core module (@babel/core) that offers a few APIs that can then be used by plugins for each respective transpilation. These plugins are often grouped together by so-called presets. Presets can in turn install many plugins at once. In React, the most common presets are @babel/preset-react and @babel/present-env. The former is used to read and translate JSX and the latter transforms modern JavaScript based on its destination environment and translates it into something that even older browsers can understand.

The @ sign in the name indicates that the package originates from an organization within the npm registry (the npm package registry) and can been understood as some sort of a namespace. In the case of Babel, you can find all of its official packages in the organization that have been published there by the Babel maintainers. Before Babel version 7 was released, this organization did not exist and the packages were simply separated by hyphens. @babel/preset-react was called babel-preset-react and @babel/core was named babel-core and so on.

So do not be confused if you encounter babel-core instead of @babel/core in a project. In this case we are simply dealing with an older version of Babel (6 or below). However, sometimes we might come across plugins or presets that are not officially part of Babel, but the developer has still prefixed the package with babel- although it works with Babel 7. In this case, we can only really check the readme of the package to understand what is going on.

The presets that I have used in my work with React (and which I also suggest you should use are):

  • @babel/preset-env

  • @babel/preset-react

  • @babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread

  • @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties

  • @babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import

If you want to work with static type checking like Flow or TypeScript, you also need to install @babel/preset-flow or @babel/preset-typescript respectively.

You can install these via:

npm install --save-dev [package]


yarn add --dev [package]

The --dev or --save-dev flag indicates that we are only dealing with a devDependency, meaning that it is only relevant for our development and that it should not be included in production code.


Webpack is one of the most central tools in the React ecosystem. Without it, an efficient workflow with React is almost impossible or at least a lot harder to achieve. Webpack is a module-bundler that has brought module based development (that you might know from Node.js) to the browser. It enables us to structure our application code neatly in their own files and allows us to use their dependencies via import or require() . This way, the dependencies are loaded into their own module scope and made available within the module. In the end, only a single JavaScript file is produced (if we wanted to, we could tell Webpack to produce more). Thus avoiding having to single-handedly import each and every JavaScript file in a <script src="..."></script> in the HTML. Without bundling, we would need to import hundreds of scripts manually.

Wow. That sounds complicated, but after a few examples it almost happens intuitively and on its own. Once you get used to it, you ask yourself how you could ever work without a module-bundler.

But Webpack can be used for much more than module-bundling. It can also be taught to transpile files with JSX into JavaScript with Babel, it can copy images, stylesheets and other assets into a build folder that can then be deployed on the server. There are a lot of other things Webpack can do, but we are going to investigate this deeper at a later point and show what such a configuration could look like. Thus, we will not look at the Webpack command line tools at this stage.


ESLint is a very practical tool for static code analysis. It helps us to spot errors in our code, but it can also be used to enforce consistent rules for code style or to give helpful tips on how to optimize code during development. ESLint titles itself as a "pluggable linting utility", which promises to place the most value on extensibility. You can find a number of useful plugins for different tools, runtime environments and frameworks.

In most professional contexts, as well as many open source projects, an ESLint config has become the de-facto standard. In React projects, you will likely see eslint-plugin-react, eslint-plugin-babel and eslint-plugin-react-hooks which have proven themselves to be a solid choice for development workflows.

Your editor of choice will reveal easy to spot error messages to you in those places where the code apparently does not work as intended:


Some love it, some hate it. The latter often only hate it for a short amount of time. Once you have seen the value this tool can bring, you ask yourself how you could ever work without it — I felt the same back in the day, as did my colleagues.

Prettier is a tool that can automatically format our code according to a predefined set of rules — neatly and consistently. We can either run it on the command line or we can install the Prettier plugin that is available for most editors and IDEs. Prettier does not offer many formatting options on purpose. This keeps the number of fruitless discussions on how best to format our code to a minimum and also avoids the additional discussion "which Prettier option would be best".

In the beginning, it might feel alienating to some and you might not always agree with Prettier 100%. However, not having to worry about where to place a line break and which line of code should be indented reduces the cognitive overload immensely. In my eyes, this justifies the use of Prettier.

IDE-/Editor Plugins

All the common editors (and many smaller ones too) such as Webstorm, Atom, Visual Studio Code or Sublime offer plugins or have natively integrated functionality to support working with React and JSX. I strongly suggest that you install these plugins as they normally lead to better syntax highlighting, code completion and usually add more nice features on top.

Atom offers language-babel, VS Code has Babel ES6/ES7 and for Sublime users it is worth checking out babel-sublime. If you are using Webstorm, you get automatic support for React syntax highlighting from version 10 onward. The previously mentioned plugins for ESLint and Prettier are also very useful. Search the plugin manager of your editor of choice for ESLint or Prettier and select the plugin with the most installations. This plugin is usually the official ESLint or Prettier plugin.

Browser Plugins

Concerning your browser, I urge you to install the React Dev Tools for Chrome and Firefox as well as the Redux Dev Tools for later use (Chrome, Firefox). These dev tools neatly integrate with your already existing dev tools and will appear as a separate tab in the browser. They offer great advantages during development.

Using these tools, we can manipulate state and watch it change directly in the browser. I would almost argue that efficient debugging is close to impossible without these dev tool plugins.

Zero Config Setup

Some people have joked in the past that you can easily spend days plugging away at your setup and perfecting it before you actually write any lines of code. A solid setup is important and somewhat decides whether the quality and maintenance of your application will continue in the future.

However, the React community has done a lot of work for us already. The site JavaScriptStuff contains a grand total of 198 projects for React Starter Projects. Facebook itself also offers a starter, or more concretely Dan Abramov who is part of the React core team and creator of Redux, named Create React App (or "CRA" for short). The project has surpassed 75.000 stars on GitHub and has become the standard for React projects. Create React App is described on GitHub as:

Create React apps with no build configuration

And this is true. Create React App makes it easy to create a robust and good setup with only a single command on the command line, especially for beginners:

yarn create react-app projectname

If you prefer using npm, you still need to enter two commands:

npm install -g create-react-app

... which will install the Create React App executable globally and then:

create-react-app projectname

And just like that we have created a complete React setup with a few little example components in our "projectname" folder. I would advise you to go ahead and execute the last few steps right now because the following code examples will all assume that you have set up Create React App.

The project name has to fit the criteria for the nameproperty for the package.json format of npm. This means that it is not allowed to contain capital letters, it can have no spaces, and can only have up to 214 characters max. The other criteria can be found in the npm documentation.

This setup is quite extensive and has dealt with many aspects beforehand, so we do not need to spend as much time with the setup and can dive into the code straight away.

Once CRA has created the basic setup and has installed all the relevant dependencies, it will give us a prompt on the command line as to how we can work with CRA in our first React project.

$ create-react-app foobar

Creating a new React app in /home/manuel/my-react-app.

Installing packages. This might take a couple of minutes.
Installing react, react-dom, and react-scripts...

Success! Created foobar at /home/manuel/my-react-app
Inside that directory, you can run several commands:

  yarn start
    Starts the development server.

  yarn build
    Bundles the app into static files for production.

  yarn test
    Starts the test runner.

  yarn eject
    Removes this tool and copies build dependencies, configuration files
    and scripts into the app directory. If you do this, you can’t go back!

We suggest that you begin by typing:

  cd my-react-app
  yarn start

Happy hacking!

yarn start

This command starts the development server, which lets us see our newly created application in the browser. The dev server is also taking care of files which are changing in the different directories and "compiles" our app and its dependencies again if we have made changes.

yarn build

Creates a build folder of our app which we can then deploy to a public server. Compared to the development build (yarn start), this build is optimized for performance. Due to this, running yarn build takes much longer than running yarn start.

yarn test

Runs tests. CRA comes pre-installed with Jest, another tool developed at Facebook. In comparison to other testing frameworks, it also allows for snapshot testing, that is creating some form of a copy of the current state of your component and compares it with future test states. This way, changes — wanted or unwanted — are detected easily right from the get go.

yarn eject

Using yarn eject, we can bid our app goodbye. All the build scripts, dependencies and config files are copied to our current project directory. From this point onwards, it is our responsibility to ensure that everything is working as intended. While we have more responsibility, we also gain more freedom as we can now make changes to the standard configuration of CRA. If or when this step ever needs taken depends on the project. I have been working on projects where I have used the CRA standard setups for months but also worked on others where I needed to eject much earlier (days or weeks) as I needed to make changes to setup.

Last updated